Calm Comfortable care
Also, some signs that your child may need a visit to the dentist would be any sort of pain in their mouth. Oftentimes, kids don’t report pain until the decay is pretty severe, but if they mention it, we want to trust them and get their problem addressed. Other signs would be, like, any sort of swelling of their gums. That would be a sign that there may be an issue with the gums or there could be an issue with the teeth. And so if you see any sort of, like, red swelling in your child’s mouth, it’s a good idea to come into the dentist.
Another reason you may want to come to the dentist for your child is, as they start getting adult teeth, sometimes their baby teeth don’t want to fall out. So if you were to see two rows of teeth, that would be a reason to come into the dentist. So it’s really important that we have regular dental visits, but we know that sometimes that’s not possible. Life happens, and so years sometimes pass without your child seeing the dentist. So we’re aware of that and we will do whatever we can to make your child feel comfortable when they come and see us.